Thank you guest mentors!
Our "Exploring Engineering"project-based classes and a field trip will be conducted by educational sites from LA STEM Collective! Click on the image below for more info on the new group.
What is Summer Fun Camp?
We are excited to announce our new program site, The Experience Christian Minsitries! ECM will be hosting a one-week Summer Fun Camp in partnership with the Wooten Center from July 18-July 22, 2022, Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm.
The camp is open to students in grades 3-6. Ages 13+ can serve as teen helpers (see below). This camp will operate as a second site for the Wooten Center's Summer Fun Camp. The camp will be led by two ECM youth workers: Lauryn Crawford as site director and Shayla Johnson as co-director.
Activities online and onsite at ECM on 47th Place and San Pedro will include project-based STEM classes exploring three types of engineering. Other activities will include private tutoring, music and art classes, and
a field trip.
Summer Fun Camp is a fun and educational summer bridge program reinforcing the math, reading, writing and science skills oftentimes forgotten over summer -- the "summer slide" more popularly known today as "learning losses."
What about teens?
Teens ages 13+ can attend Summer Fun Camp as volunteer or
paid Teen Helpers. Paid is dependent on acceptance by one of our employment partners. See our teen jobs list to apply for the programs now.
As teen helpers, they will attend and participate in activities, including
classes and the field trip.
For more info on the camp and teen helpers, contact our Summer Fun Camp director Christelle Telesford at 323-756-7203.
"The Wooten Center was there for me when I needed the support the most. They really encourage you to be the best person you can be and they also give you the resources you need to succeed at what you do."
Gift Udeh, Wooten alum / CSUN, electrical engineering student