2022 年第 29 届愿景颁奖晚宴

Wooten executive director Corey Dantzler (left) and Mohme Foundation vice president Bob Mohme at the Vision Dinner. Bob is holding our "Catch the Vision" trophy with the "Envision" artwork by acclaimed artist Synthia Saint James.
Below: Seana Perez is holding her trophy for "Youth of the Year." Click here for all Wooten "Student Achievers" presented with medals at the dinner.

自2020年首次取消晚宴以来,我们将尽快决定是否在今年首次亲自举办晚宴。同时,为400多名学生提供免费的课外和暑期课程,仍需您的支持每年 3-12 年级。
该中心于 2021 年 6 月重新开放,目前正在现场和在线运营混合项目。谢谢 给大学生和专业人士以及其他志愿者和工作人员 helping每周提供超过75次免费的虚拟私人辅导课程。请参阅下面的视频,了解孩子们的虚拟感谢。
我们的 Catch the Vision 颁奖晚宴是一项慈善活动,由我们的董事会每年举办 ,以筹集对我们青年中心计划的支持。单击上面的捐赠按钮,以捐赠或发送到下面的邮寄地址。谢谢你。 :)
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors:
Sapphire-plus ($50k+): Friends of John Lapham
Sapphire ($50k): Arrillaga Foundation
Platinum-plus ($10k+): Steven and Debra Oh, Paul and Melinda Wetmore
Platinum ($10k): Kit and Karen Jennings
Gold ($5k): David and Elizabeth McFadzean
Silver ($2,500): Lotte de Silva, Dr. Saeri Dobson and Terry Dobson, The Lapham Family, Drs. Bernard and Connie James, Keith and Paulette Parker, John and Kathy Talley-Jones
Bronze-plus ($1,500+): Brian Condon and Kara Rossi, HKS Architects
Thank you to our silent auction donors:
Benihana, The Broad Museum, Casa del Mar Hotel, Gorjana, Gourmet Gift Baskets, Huntington Library, In-N-Out Burger, Kendra Scott Jewelry, LA Angels, LA Clippers, LA Lakers, LA Philharmonic, LA Rams, The World Famous KROQ Radio, Miracle Springs Resort & Spa, The Nyenke Family, Pacific Park at the Santa Monica Pier, Petersen Automotive Museum, PRP Wine International, Total Wine & More, UCLA Athletics